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Performance Appraisal
Performance Appraisal - 2022-2023


  • To ensure that students receive the benefit of an education system supported by employees who are performing their duties well.
  • To provide a fair, effective and consistent employee performance feedback.
  • To promote professional growth.
  • To assist in identifying and building upon employee strengths.
  • To address accountability and employee quality.
  • To support fair and valid decisions for termination/ discontinuation.

Performance Appraisal process will include the following category of staff:

  • Scholastic & Coscholastic Full Time Teaching staff.
  • Academic Coordinators
  • Admin Staff
  • Academic & Admin Leaders
  • Support Staff (Feedback from Reporting Head)

Procedure for Performance Appraisal: Teacher Staff

Performance Appraisal for teachers is conducted to gain an annual insight of performance levels of the teaching staff. Insight: based on the feedback given by Unit Head, student feedback and peers.

Self & Unit Head Feedback- The employee (self) and Unit Head/ Reporting Head will give feedback on predetermined parameters. The feedback is given based on the performance through the year.

Peer Feedback- While peers may observe and give feedback, their feedback is based on the relevant parameters which they are familiar with and can rate their colleagues on.

Student feedback for Scholastic & Coscholastic teachers

  1. Online feedback for students of class V to XII is conducted twice a year.
  2. Online feedback is taken from students on pre-determined parameters – written in simple language. They are given as a numerical score. This is applicable for all teachers and the Academic Leaders for the subject they teach.

Final Appraisal Document-

The final compiled feedback will include feedback given by:
  • Self
  • Reporting Head
  • Peer
  • Student Feedback

The final compiled document of appraisal will be given to the employee before the Final Meeting with Unit Head, Principal and Director.

Self-Declaration Form-

  • This form gives the employee the possibility to describe their work and any other matter that has not been covered in the appraisal document.
  • Before meeting the Heads for feedback discussion, the employee fills this Form.
  • This Form is to be submitted to Unit Head during the meeting.
  • Unit Head forwards the same along with the signed copy of the appraisal document for further meetings.
  • After all meetings the appraisal document and the self-declaration form both are retained and recorded by HR.

Weightage for each feedback


Student Feedback



Unit Head


Class I to IV






V to XII






Unit Head’s Role

  • To rate the teacher based on his /her performance throughout the year.
  • Feedback on the defined parameters will be filled by the Unit Head in the appraisal form.
  • The first closure meeting takes place with the Unit Heads where the performance is discussed with the employee.
  • This meeting is also an opportunity for the employee to clarify any doubts related to the performance feedback.

Principal’s Role

  • The Principal and appraisee discuss the appraisal result (obtain feedback, recognize areas performed well in and suggest areas for improvement).
  • The Principal and the appraisee work out a plan for improvement and follow-up actions if necessary.
  • Principal to keep the Unit Head in picture for follow up and to monitor the progress.

Director’s Role

Director will have a closure meeting with the teachers towards the end of academic year.

Performance Appraisal -Admin Staff

Performance Appraisal for Admin staff v is conducted to gain an annual insight of performance levels of the Admin staff based on their role.

Self & Unit Head Feedback- The employee (self) and Unit Head/ Reporting Head will give feedback on predetermined parameters. The feedback is given based on the performance through the year.

The closure meeting takes place with the Reporting Heads where the performance is discussed with the employee.

Weightage for feedback


Unit Head





Feedback -Support Staff

The support staff is given feedback by the Reporting Authority on predetermined parameters. The feedback is given based on the performance through the year.

Rating Criteria : 5- Always 4- Most of the Times 3- Sometimes 2- Rarely 1- Never

The same is shared with the support staff.

The closure meeting takes place with the Reporting Heads where the performance is discussed with the employee.

Awards for Admin & support staff based on the top two highest scores in each of these domains.

Time line 

  • Student feedback – Twice a year Aug/ September & January.
  • Self, Peer, UH appraisal – January /February
  • One on one meeting with Unit Head and Principal (separately) with complete Appraisal document – in February/March. Both meetings will happen simultaneously.
  • One on one meeting with Director – Simultaneously in March after Principal meets the appraisee.
  • Employee Awards – April