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Saturday - July 27, 2024

"Curriculum can refer to the total structure of ideas and activities developed by an educational institution to meet the learning needs of students and to achieve desired educational aims"

Dereck Rowntree

The Orchid School is affiliated to the Central Board of Secondary Education. The curriculum followed at the school is on the guidelines of NCERT and NCF.

NCERT - National Council of Education Research and Training and NCF - National Framework for Curriculum are means of evolving a national system of education capable of responding to India’s diversity of geographical and cultural milieus while ensuring a common core of values along with academic component.

This enabled us to work towards:
  • Connecting knowledge to life outside school
  • Ensuring that learning is shifted away from rote to methods
  • Enriching the curriculum to provide for overall development of children
  • Making assessments more flexible and integrated with classroom learning and teaching
  • Nurturing an over-riding identity informed by caring concerns within the democratic policy of the country
Our curriculum is woven around the 4 pillars of Education:
  • Learning to know
  • Learning to do
  • Learning to live together
  • Learning to be

The Curriculum envisages a particular relationship between the acquisition of knowledge, development of concepts and skills, formation of values and attitudes, self expression and creativity.

The above 4 areas we consider our 4 pillars of the curriculum structure. We believe that teaching cognitive skills is not enough. To help children grow towards becoming full human beings and to feel successful – the curriculum should cater to all aspects (facets, dimensions) of human life (development beings).The curriculum gives a detailed statement of content for each subject. (It provides for an extensive learning experience and encourages a rich variety of approaches to teaching and learning that cater for the differing needs of individual children.)

The curriculum recognises the integrated nature of knowledge and thought and stresses the connections in content in the different curriculum areas. The different areas of the curriculum are inter-related and often over lap. There is no arbitrary compartmentalization of knowledge. The different subjects, however, are created for convenience of teaching and learning. This creates harmony in the child’s learning experiences and serves the complex nature of the learning process.