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Sunday - June 30, 2024
Theatre Festival at Orchid school 2013


Publicity Partners - "Radio One" and Hospitality Partners - "Chirayu Clinic"

 We see school as a space not only for our parents but for the community at large. And we view education as not being restricted to students alone. Nor is it bound to text books and conventional learning material. Education or ‘Learning’ translates to anything that shapes us up, makes us question our realities and brings forth  new perspectives. Anything that is of importance to our healthy survival needs to be debated by all stake holders. These stake holders are also, in one sense, significant adults in children’s’ life.

Hence The Orchid School brings theatre time and again for different audiences with different themes and messages, providing yet another platform for growth. 

A theatre festival was organized on 19th and 20th January 2013. Two excellent plays, Yashodhara and Night's End were staged by JustUs Repertory troupe. The plays were directed by Gowri Ramnarayan and the audience was enthralled by the brilliant performance of some very talented artists. 

Gowri ,the playwright and director, connects history with today’s world.  Simply put, she shows us a way to connect the past, dating back to our epics, and how situations or issues have not changed but have merely been modernized or modified. Our struggles, our conflicts are the same as before, probably at an even higher intensity .She raises questions on the environment, senseless violence, and more. 

The production company, JustUs Repertory, produces new work that explores the staggering weight of historical, political, and literary pasts which theatre must engage to represent the complexities of contemporary existence. JustUs play and productions have been staged at significant venues and festivals in major Indian cities. 



Set in a remote reserve forest in Rajasthan, India, Night’s End unfolds the story of Krishnan Nair, a young boy who ran away from his native village in Kerala and now works as a forest guard in a remote tiger reserve. Trained from childhood in Kathakali, Krishnan is revered by the local Mogiya tribe for his ability to bring alive the sights and sounds of the forest and stories from the Mahabharata through his dancing.

When Krishnan comes upon an abandoned tiger cub whose mother was killed by poachers, he raises the infant, finally resolving to return her to the wild with the help of his drumming partner BilluMogiya. Billu?s sister Chandni looks on.

Night’s End is a tale of betrayal, abandonment, and loss in which the actions of humans—indigenous peoples, settlers, tourists, the state, the media—powerfully affect the fragile eco-system we inhabit.


Gautama Buddha, the Sakya prince, became a world leader. 

Yashodhara, his wife, remains in the shadows. 

Yashodhara illuminates the plight of a woman, a single mother deserted by her husband, deserted wife.

Grief impels Yashodhara to search for answers that she cannot find within the palace walls. Her inner evolution becomes a poignant, powerful story, a universal myth of human loss, sorrow and ultimate transcendence.

Yashodhara is inspired by the beautiful carving on one of the entrance pillars of the Sanchi shrine: a lotus whose roots are embedded in slush, whose stem finds nourishment in water, whose flower emerges into the air, whose petals blossom in the warmth of the sun. The production seeks to individuate that image as a metaphor of universal human experience and potential.

Using three languages (Hindi, Pali, English narration) this experimental, multi-genre production fuses the classical and contemporary to showcase the diversity of India’s living traditions and cultures.