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Sunday - June 30, 2024
Orchid Unplugged


The Founder’s day celebrations were in full swing on 13th August, and the celebrations were on a whole new level with none other than Raghu Dixit and his band. Part of his entourage flautist Parth Chandiramani, drummer Joe Jacob, lead guitarist  Achyuth Gopal and Manager and bass guitarist Gaurav Vaz.

The evening began with a Qawwali performance by the students of The Orchid School which had the audience and the band amazed by their talent. 

Raghu, on acoustic guitar then took the stage and rest was history! Never did the students think that they’d have their own rock at their own school and who better than Raghu Dixit to get it going. Raghu started out by sharing his journey of the band, how he started out and how he got all the other members together. The respect with which he spoke about his band members and the modesty he showed was something that really struck us. He then started to share with us the stories behind their most popular numbers, followed by the performance of the same. He began from his Bengaluru roots and sang the famous Lokada Kalaji for which lyrics are given by renowned poet Shishunala Sharif. This was close to the hearts of the Orchidians as well as they too had performed this song for Raghu the evening before. It was remarkable to witness and croon along while the band wearing their traditional lungis performed to their hits such as Masti ki Basti about their city of dreams Mumbai, Ambar which talks about Raghu’s personal life journey, Parasiva which is influenced by the poem of Raghavendra Kamath and Amma which Raghudedicates to his mother.The band then in their usual energy called the teachers and students up on stage where all grooved to the music with the band themselves. 

It was the perfect end to a perfect evening. Thank you Raghu and Gang for giving The Orchid School family a memory that will stay in their hearts forever!

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