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Sunday - June 30, 2024
Heritage Alive Fest – It’s Our Responsibility

The Orchid School Heritage Fest 

1st February, 2014

The Orchid School believes that to venture forth into the future with equanimity and confidence, we need to acknowledge the contribution of the past. To this purpose, the academic year 2013- 2014, the tenth year of the school, was dedicated to Heritage Alive – “It’s Our Responsibility”.

On 1st February, 2014, The Orchid School came alive with the Orchid interpretation of Indian heritage in its full glory. From Bhatukli display by Limca Book of Records record holder Mr. Karandikar to Tribal Art to Mangala Gauriperformances to folk music and dance performance from all over India to a Kushti demonstration, Orchids opened its doors to all lovers and conservers of Indian Heritage.

Prof. Vijay Sathe, eminent researcher and archaeologist and Ms. Prajakta Panshikar, Consultant for Heritage activities with an NGO called Janwani were the Chief Guest and Special Guest of Honour respectively for the Fest. In his message to the students Prof. Sathe urged the students to be aware of the changes happening around us so that we can deal with them in an intelligent manner. He believes that our heritage is evolving and that students have an important role in it. Ms. Panshikar too appreciated the efforts of the students to bridge the generational gap and bring Heritage Alive.

The Orchid Heritage Fest had a very strong curriculum connect as education is never complete until it makes sense in the real world. Each class brought alive its Social Science theme of the year. From inventions to traditions to medicine and rituals, from Vedic Age to Medieval Age to Modern Age, each class presented their own take on their chosen Social Science topic. The focus was on making the connection between the past and the present, and therefore be able to deal with both of them with understanding, and not just because of blind faith or prejudice.

The School atrium welcomed all with its beautiful Rangoli Kaaleen, the Deep Stambh and the lanterns. Each class from Class III to Class X put up impressive displays - re-creation of Bhimbetka Caves, the shadow and sound show of the Battle of Haldighati, enactment of Shakuntala, the evolution of communication, architecture, religion, cuisine, everything was brought alive by the students in different ways. 

It was not only about glorification of Indian heritage, though. Class IX took it ahead to prove that ‘Indianness’ is not just about the Incredible India of posters and museums. It is also about the Indomitable India that can face challenges of terrorism as well as globalization. As the school Director Lakshmi Kumar said in her feedback, “ Every child absorbed the concept, spirit of ownership of this Fest, enacted their role to the hilt, answered genuinely to all questions, performed with high energy through the day and most of all, behaved responsibly through and through. Technology imbibed in every possible way - website, film production, video recordings, light and sound show and our very own Orchid Radio apart from the usual PPTs..... student initiated, student driven, student conducted and with students in full charge. Our young students are truly capable of responsibility and freedom once given the training and expectations.”

This Fest was not just a one day exhibition. Over the months leading to this event, experts from various fields have been called in to talk to our children; teachers and students have gone out on field trips to experience first-hand, the magnificence of our heritage. Panel discussions have been held, workshops have been conducted. The effort has been to give an exposure to a holistic view of our heritage. 

For us, our Heritage Alive Fest has not been just an event. It has been a means of responding to our Living Heritage in the best way we can so that we are aware of what we pass on as heritage to the next generation. 

Mohua Bose