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Sunday - June 30, 2024
Warm Greetings and best wishes for year 2012

Dear TOS Team members,

We are ready to welcome the New Year with all the celebration it deserves.  

Every new beginning brings hope.

We are at an exciting cross road as far as education in India is concerned. 

Sweeping reforms are introduced so that whole of India will get opportunity for education. We are, in one sense, witnessing “history” in making. These reforms will have its impact after a decade or so. We are at the helm of affairs - creating, shaping, influencing and implementing policies that will impact our society.  

When changes and transformations are forced for collective cause and goodness, we must embrace it with grace. While it may “inconvenience “ us and push us out of our comfort zone, it will also be good for us to think of what is ahead of us and make choices accordingly. 

What is good for the nation is good for all of us.  

As educators, we are working with and for the future of the nation. The nation demands that we create students who will come out of the system as educated, value oriented and responsible citizens of the world.   

We have experimented with education and failed to create original thinkers, honest leaders, path breakers, innovators.  We can’t be satisfied with few exceptions.   

 Today’s job may not exist tomorrow and will easily be replaced by a computer or a machine. When a student enters graduate school, by the time he comes out, the knowledge learnt in first year may be obsolete or outdated. NASSCOM report validates this through a very disturbing trend that nearly 85% of India’s graduates are unemployable. Our learners have the content “by heart” but not learnt through their heart.  

All organizations are looking for employees who have high scores in personal ( non-cognitive) skills. If you read the list of expectations from the job market , they are mostly in behavioural domain. These skills cannot be pumped into student’s blood stream in a week or through few modules.  They have to be inculcated, nurtured and honed over the entire span of their student life so that they come out of our schools as fine young people.

We cannot run schools anymore under the veil of ignorance.  Our priorities in “what we must teach” needs to be reorganized. 

Excellence in cognitive learning must be supplemented and supported by emphasis and training in behavioural , co-scholastic  learning. Our children must know that it is equally important to score well in life- having the right attitude, respect, value systems, ethical practices, relational aspects etc.

We expect our learners to be respectful, sincere, passionate, helpful, cooperative, goal oriented, focused, optimistic, positive, energetic, aggressive achievers and much more.

Can it be different standards when it comes to expectations from professional s?

Needless to say, personal is universal and every change must start with self.

Let us bring the change in ourselves that we want to see in others.  

Warm New Year Greetings !!!

Lakshmi Di.