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Sunday - June 30, 2024
Retreat Presentation



My Dear Colleagues, 

Thank you Shekhar. 

I take this opportunity to present in front of this team some of the key milestones TOS has achieved at strategic level in the last academic year.

I will also share the path ahead for us in terms of the organization. 

My colleague Shilpa will share the tactical level achievement. 

While myself and Shilpa share two different titles and roles, I must reiterate that both are holding complementary functions that enhances the organizational goals from different locations. 

This is important for you all to understand as our roles are not purely compartmentalized into only administrative or academic domain but has a dominant every day function in one or other. However an overview is collectively evolved and shared. 

I will make my presentations into broad categories in terms of Capital Voice, Customer Voice, People Voice and Technology Voice so it is easier to understand. 

BOARD (PNES) on Board: 

Our relationship with the Board has, over time evolved and reached to a level of understanding each other’s location, realities and obligations. We are more attuned to the common ideology and philosophy of educational path TOS has chosen. 

I have strongly held this belief that the Board that is enrolled into our world of beliefs is an asset. They affect us with their decisions. If these are in line with what school needs, then our journey is smooth. 

This symbiotic relationship is crucial for the present and more so for future when they will continue the legacy and ensure some choices and practices in education are continued. 

We have won over their trust. They know that we are responsible with their investment – of money, trust and relationship. 

Thank you Amar, BKS and Mr. Patil. For your “ go ahead” command for most of our requests. 

For your presence, support and understanding. 

Balancing the Balance sheet: 

Last year we have crossed the red lines in our balance sheet. We are able to meet our needs and financial obligations. However we are yet to begin the repayment for the investment the individuals have made. Let us remember one thing. No “maya baap” will continue to pay for our experiments and learning process. They can pay for the core funding but sooner we get to be on our own, healthier it is for the school and its future. 

With the permission of my board, can I safely say that we have arrived at a comfortable situation where our everyday needs are taken care of and bank obligations are being met with. Our fees structure won’t be reviewed for 2 years. This means we have to, at times, make judicious choices of where and how we put our money to use. 

Reputation : 

TOS has made a small but significant mark in the educational landscape. While we lost many children for the fee hike and related uncertainties, we have also become a known destination for admissions when families relocate. We are acknowledged for giving meaningful education, transparency, high on relationship quotient…where children are provided equal opportunities, given respect and given meaningful learning process. 

People grow: 

As for attracting and keeping good talent, we are doing a good job. Last year retrenchment pattern show that. Fewer teachers left for personal reasons. When they return to Pune, they do consider rejoining TOS. This is a positive trend from HR point of view. All of you, without exception, in the retreat questionnaire, has mentioned that this is a place where freedom is valued, self growth guaranteed and innovation in teaching is an accepted professional component. Employee satisfaction seems at a fairly high level. Soon we are coming with a survey to confirm this sensing. 

Performance management systems: 

Everyone loves to get feedback and teachers are no exception. It is a healthy trend when employees look forward to feed back and opportunities to improve. This is what propelled us to develop an appraisal system(BAUP) which got implemented successfully last year. Improvements are incorporated to make it better so the leaders know your potential, see your passion and bring it to the forefront through more inclusive, broad based performance reward systems. 

Parents are partners: 

Last year saw PTA moving to a healthier partnering level. PTAs in traditional systems are known for “management bashing” attitude and being on the other side. We have redefined the relationship where they are invited to many spaces and participate in planning, recruitment, fee fixation, appraisal systems etc.

Technology voice: 

TOS can boast of latest technological systems implemented – be it a sound net working system, 24 x7 high speed, dedicated internet, all security measures, on-line admissions, report generation, state of art computer labs, new website which is a window to our world, fire wall, restrictions that ensure our data is safe and virus free…..We will continue to incorporate technology that is appropriate and relevant to teaching process, management systems and other processes in administration.        

Mutual cooperation: 

What was once a dream has become a reality. With Donner, teacher ex-change programme has taken off very well. Now our students will go to Sweden, to Donner and to Ahmedabad , to Riverside. This exchange expands our view of the world. It enriches our learners to become global citizens. 

Our future: 

I hope and dream that TOS is known for its ethos, commitment to all learners and best work place for its employees. 

We move from doing things differently to doing things effectively in terms of innovation, pedagogy, achievement etc. 

While it is important to bring fantastic results in 10th grade, our real bench mark lies in making every child successful. 

Helping each child maximize his / her potential must be our goal. This means going beyond the traditional hierarchy of subjects and giving due importance to scholastic and co-scholastic areas of learning as well. 

Helping each student   to make appropriate career choices, life styles that maximize creativity and harmony. 

It is important to keep our systems of governance – where it is not a top down management but a truly participative, democratic decision making processes that govern us – be it the programme, policies or procedures. 

We will continue to fine tune them, make it process centric, arrive at some non-negotiable rules that are universal and not people oriented, hear people’s voices and incorporate suggestions that come from the team. 

We will build a “High –Touch” service and “High –Tech” culture. 

This is a promise from us, your team leaders and a commitment to you all. 

Thank you my dear friends. 

If I have missed out any, you can help me fill it in or Shilpa will step into to do so. 

Warmly Yours, 

Lakshmi Kumar.