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Sunday - June 30, 2024
Farewell note to class XII students- 2017

Hope you have learned 

You've learned that it's not what you have in your life, but what you do with it  life that counts.

You’ve learned that your charm will wade off after few minutes. The real impression begins after that.

You’ve learned that no matter what the story is , there are always many versions of the same story.

You’ve learned that the trust given to you is a treasure that don’t lose.

You’ve learned that is is a lot easier to react than to act.

You’ve learned that after the thought of “ Can’t “ , mind and body gives up trying

You’ve learned that you are responsible for what you do , no matter who you are or where you come from

You’ve learned that your attitude controls your life

You’ve learned that great people DO , regardless of the consequences

You’ve learned to make and keep true friendships

You’ve learned that your family protecting you for the wrong cause is handicapping you

You’ve learned the power of self-control

You’ve learned that no matter what the consequences those who are honest with themselves are the most peaceful people

You’ve learned that your true credentials are not your title, position , power  or your family name . It is what people say about you in your absence , much after you are gone .

Lakshmi Di.