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Sunday - June 30, 2024
Article - Life lessons from TOS lift maushi

TOS lift maushi can be the new age guru for the seekers.

Every time I enter the lift, I am fascinated to see how she views   her “limited” world and treats it as an  expansive  space.  It is a very small, claustrophobic, cellar like space with shining steel walls,like any other “lift”. She has truly beaten the boredom. She welcomes the visitors with warm smile. There are always fresh flowers on the wall- so what if there are no tables and fancy vases! She knows every visitor by name and knows exactly where they want to stop. Imagine some one knowing your destination better than you do!

She will also take you through the logic of life. You may want to go directly to floor 5 but if someone has called from the floor minus 1,  then you have to cross those boundaries before you can be dropped to your desired elevation.  Isn’t  this what Hindu philosophy is  all about? You can’t skip the phases before you attain Nirvana. So patience is required for such a journey. In the mean time, she will entertain you  with music from Radio Mirchi or humorous tit bits from TOS landscape. She is updated on who has fractured (what) and who is advised to use lift for special reasons.  She is also a messenger and deliverer,an interpreter ,a philosopher. She knows from your expression, how your day has been. She knows from your demeanor, your attitude towards yourself and others. She knows what you need to make your day uses just those words and gestures to make it as right as she can.

Thank you Maushi, for showing  me the way  - if the limitation is  within me   then no matter what I get in life, I will whine and complain. It is not so  important  to count  what and how much I get in  life,  but more important is to examine  what I do with what  is given to me .

Some people make   LIFE OUT OF NOTHING and some make  NOTHING OUT OF LIFE.

With love,

Lakshmi Di.