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Riverside - TOS Exchange Program - February 2013
Riverside - TOS Exchange Program - February 2013
The Orchid School embraced the students of the Riverside School of Ahmedabad on the 7th- 9thFebruary, 2013 for an exchange program for class VII. There were 25 students accompanied by 2 teachers from their school who came to our school for the same. This was a part of the exchange program that has been happening since the last two years. Our present batch of class IX, who were in class VIII last year, had been a part of this scheme last year.

The Riverside School children were hosted by our very own students of the Orchid family. There were 2 students per family and we would like to thank all the host families from the present class VII( Turquoise, Cobalt and Indigo). The students and teachers were picked up from the station by the hosts and brought to school on Thursday, 7th Feb. They attended a presentation conducted by Baisakhidi and Jainitadi as a part of the orientation plan. The students were then escorted by our students who showed them around the school premises.  This was also a chance for our students to interact and open up to their children. It was heart-warming to see friendships blossom right there! The teachers of the Riverside were taken aboard by our own teachers and they interacted with the staff across the school. The host teachers, Poornimadi and Seema Pathakdi were always around to help them settle in.

riverside 1

The students attended a regular class and were participative and confident. They answered with ease and threw challenges to our students to solve some of their sums. The teachers enjoyed having them in their regular classes. Our students didn’t take much time to mingle with them as was evident during the lunch break. The palate of red and green, marked by the respective school uniform colours was refreshing to the eyes!

riverside 2

The students also did a creative-writing session with Mohuadi and Paragda accompanied by the Indigo team. The following day was also a fun-filled as they attended a dance workshop with Bhavnadi, attended some regular classes again, went for Balewadi with our children and had sports exchanges with the sports teachers. They thoroughly enjoyed the experience.

The Riverside school made a very interesting presentation on some of the projects undertaken in their school in the morning assembly. It was an eye-opener for our students and staff to see their students doing amazing research work in their projects and also join hands with an NGO program of Ahmedabad. The presenters were eloquent, confident and ably guided by their teachers. An insight into their project based learning was educative for us. Finally the day had a reflective closure with all the students of class VII coming together in the afternoon. Through a group activity, reflections and emotional goodbyes were exchanged by the children of either school.

riverside 3

On the 9th, the Riverside students went for a trekking trip organised by Pugmarks. Sharma Sir, our sports teacher, escorted them as our school representative. They left for Ahmedabad in the evening.

We wish them a happy and safe journey and lots of luck for the coming years. Our students are gearing up for the exchange where we will also go to Ahmedabad to imbibe some of their school culture. We thank Shilpadi and Baisakhidi for organising such rich exchange of ideas, values and experiences for our children. As we bid adieu to them, let me reiterate, the class VII’s loved having them here and will miss them as they leave.