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Holidays : July 2024

Events : July 2024

Trainings : July 2024

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Saturday - July 27, 2024
The Orchid School has always been known for the exposure it provides the students. In January this year a few grade VIII students hosted the grade VII students of Riverside School, Ahmadabad as part of a student-exchange program. The students arrived on the 28th of January, ready to be subjected to a life in Pune. They were welcomed to the school by one of TOS’s traditions- a special assembly, thanking Anil Awachat- one of our role models. Thereafter they had a special meeting with the school council –another unique and vital part of TOS. Subsequently they had a tour of the school and were taken around in every classroom and were shown around all the facilities. They also had an art workshop with VIII -Crimson in which they had to draw a tree that reflected their own self. They identified their strengths and weaknesses and understood themselves better.


The second day started with a “Design for Change (DFC)” session during which the problems faced by the VIII graders during their DFC module were discussed. They had a writing workshop with VIII- Scarlet in which they had to make up a story on a choice of a medium and make it presentable.  Their creative skills were put to test and they were able to assess the extent of their imagination. They also had a workshop with VIII- Vermillion based on dance in which the Orchid students and the Riverside students were in mixed groups and had to choreograph a dance. They had lots of fun and understood the essence of teamwork despite various differences.

The third day started with them observing the three VIII standard classes and understanding the way classes are conducted at TOS.  They could compare the different teaching methods and appreciate them. They also joined the Orchid students at Balewadi stadium. Friendly matches were planned. Afterwards   they had a typical Maharashtrian lunch made by TOS’s canteen.  They relished the delicious delicacies. They then went to two museums – Kelkar Museum and Joshi Museum. Kelkar Museum was about Maharashtra and its heritage whereas Joshi Museum was about various locomotives. They loved Kelkar museum for the rich heritage it has preserved for years.  They were amazed by Joshi museum because of its uniqueness-a replica of the city complete to the last detail.

The exchange program was a great success with both sides taking lots of memories and experiences back with them. These exchange programs provide great opportunities for exposure to the cultural aspects of different cities and helps students to understand the way of living of other cities.

Report By

Trisha Welde

VIII Vermillion