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Sunday - June 30, 2024
TOS - SWEDEN Exchange Program 2011
TOS - SWEDEN Exchange Program 2011

Sweden teacher exchange program

April 2011

Weaving it all together

 As a facilitator, a strong belief and conviction that a pattern will emerge when you believe in the need for its creation. Its beauty lies in the way the ends have been held on , the threads woven together, the welcoming of diverse perspectives, openness to varying styles. In a calm, learner rich environment, an enthralling, equal relationship exists where learning takes place incidentally.

 What transpires in the class

1. Complete clarity on objectives.
2. Very clear ,instructions, clear expectations of behavior, and comfort with uniqueness of individuals as far as objectives are met
3. Process thus automatically becomes more important than the product, since you believe and know learning is taking place. Eg-macaroni & cheese presentation 
4.Freedom of participation and involvement is dependant upon the learner
5.A belief that learning is inevitable once there is relevance. Every attempt to find this relevance for the learner-eng, cooking-restaurant
6.Strong sense of accountability on the learner.
7.For the teacher, it is a self driven motivation of a task well done. Appreciation is derived from the students, self, colleagues, not necessarily only from above.
8.The teachers in depth knowledge, understanding and passion brought in the quality. Technology and resources used meaningfully to enrich it further.

sweden 2011

Its not just about sports !

? Multiple skills in one class room session

? Student teacher rapport

?Exposure beyond school-fencing, Varpa, horse riding

? Modifications of planned program so as to make it relevant for me-Ray and his contacts

? Respect for teachers displayed through their work

? Feeling of humility

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Behind our impressions…..
The people and processes that made it possible

One key link person- Discussions each morning and evening to discuss days schedule ,modifications or enhancements as soon as necessary.

Evaluating continuously that the program is enriching for us as much as for the organization.

Accountability from all staff members regarding richness of program, ensuring we are included at all times,- staff

joining us for meals at school, making sure we had company, dinner invites, spontaneous invitations to sports activities of their children outside school hours.

Sensitivity regarding language, food and our personalities.

?Teachers voluntarily used our skills to enhance their teaching modules.

?When we were invited, they continued to weave connecting the links for their learners.

?Ensuring that everything that fits the preview of our expertise is provided in meaningful interactions. Chosen few meetings, with good amount of time.

?We were accompanied by the link person as far as it did not come in the way of his teaching and he participated as equally and enthusiastically as us.

?Contact with us till we left the country .

Evaluating continuously that the program is enriching for us as much as for the organization.

Accountability from all staff members regarding richness of program, ensuring we are included at all times,- staff joining us for meals at school, making sure we had company, dinner invites, spontaneous invitations to sports activities of their children outside school hours.

Sensitivity regarding language, food and our personalities.

Teachers voluntarily used our skills to enhance their teaching modules.

When we were invited, they continued to weave connecting the links for their learners.

Ensuring that everything that fits the preview of our expertise is provided in meaningful interactions. Chosen few meetings, with good amount of time.

We were accompanied by the link person as far as it did not come in the way of his teaching and he participated as equally and enthusiastically as us.

Contact with us till we left the country .

  Sweden 2

Where do we go from here?

?This was yet another re- affirmation that at Orchid, we have philosophies, ideologies, pedagogical styles and beliefs that are somewhere on par globally.

?Make the most of this experience. We are very privileged to have such an intensely planned, opportunity rich, well co-ordinated program. Use it to the maximum-grab Sweden in India and Sweden in Sweden!


How can we make the most of it at TOS

? Profiles of teachers  to be shared so we can utilize their expertise and then systematically plan their sessions

? Once plan is in place, communicate via mail, exchange ideas so preparatory work is done on both sides.

? As a team TOS we need to see how we can pitch in-during school hours and after, to make their visit meaningful and benefit from their presence here even if they are not staying with us.

? Invite them for all our in house meetings-review, CC, level wise(especially the classes they are working with)

? Step in for their class room observations.

? Interact with them while they are here.

? It’s the quality time not quantity activities that’s needed.

? Each evening co-ordinator-Baisakhi to touch base with them, bring back the gaps if any to the planner-Lakshmi so that it is not realized till the end of the visit. TOS host to get back to planner/co-ordinator if they sense modifications need to be made.

….and we have saved the best for the last!

? Our heartfelt gratitude to all those who have made this very endearing experience possible for us, in small and big ways.

Thank you!