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    The Orchid School

    Grade X students’ visit to Pratiti Mental Health Centre

    The Grade X students at The Orchid School as a part of educational visit recently had an unique opportunity to understand the workings of Pratiti Mental Health Centre and its role in providing mental health support services. Pratiti Mental Health and Day Care Centre is dedicated to comprehensive rehabilitation and support services institutions working in psycho-social rehabilitation, vocational training, de-addiction programs, and dementia care, all within a compassionate and friendly environment. The visit gave an opportunity to students to interact with the residents, gaining valuable insight into their experiences and how Pratiti’s services contribute to their well-being.

    The visit began with a presentation led by the center’s founder, Ms. Sushupti Sathe, who emphasized the importance of challenging societal stigmas surrounding mental health. Students were introduced to the center’s mission and had the chance to engage with residents in meaningful conversations.

    One of the key highlights of the visit was an awareness session that sparked open discussions about psychiatric illnesses, the use of medications, and the misconceptions surrounding mental health disorders. The students were encouraged to approach these topics with empathy, respect, and dignity. Workshops on drama therapy and music therapy provided a firsthand look at how creative therapies can positively influence emotional well-being.

    Overall, the visit was an eye-opening experience that broadened the students’ perspectives on mental health. The experience inspired students to adopt a more understanding and non-judgmental attitude toward mental health issues, making the visit an invaluable educational opportunity.

    This educational visit allowed Grade X students to not only gain insights into the field of mental health but also foster empathy, understanding, and an appreciation for the impactful work Pratiti does in aiding individuals on their path to recovery and social reintegration.

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